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TKT vs. Mookh
Take back control of your event ticketing by working with the
#1 alternative to Mookh.
Fair, simple and transparent pricing
There are many reasons events switch to TKT, but the #1 reason is price. If you run events, you'll know all the hard work, investment and time required to run a successful event.
We believe that you, the event creator, should receive as much money from ticket sales as possible, so the ticketing fees should stay low – whatever your ticket price.
Own your own customer data
Your ticket buyers are your customers, not a marketing opportunity for us. Unlike Mookh, we respect your customers' privacy and won't flood their inboxes with promotions for other events. Your customer data belongs to you. In legal jargon, we're the data processor, and you're the data controller.
24/7 support from real humans
Left frustrated that you can't ever speak to a human or get a question answered? Not with TKT. We offer chat support from product experts 24/7 every single day of the year. If you message us, one of our friendly team will respond in less than 5 minutes (no AI or chatbots here). Whatever the size of your event.

Everything you need, and a bit more
Price is important, but we know it's not everything. Since 2010 we've been launching feature after feature to make your event ticketing run like a dream.
Feature Comparisons
Low, simple and flat fee per ticket. No added costs.
High % per ticket.